Let your soul
lead the dance,
through the second half
of your life.
Today midlife is a stage in life, that is absolutely pivotal - with life lasting decades longer than it did a century ago. Hence we need to give it our attention, provide ourselves with a midlife pause to gather the wisdom, tools, and rituals to navigate—and celebrate—this sacred passage.
For many, midlife is a period of worry, a time when life doesn’t seem to be turning out as expected, leading to feelings of lost opportunity and frustrated longing. However, it’s also a time when we can begin to understand what truly matters, recalibrate our lives, and design a path that aligns with our true values. Embracing the transformative power of midlife so that something profound and beautiful can awaken within us.
During this stage, curiosity and an inward search for deeper meaning can emerge from the discontent and dark nights of the soul. It’s not a crisis, it is a “midlife calling”. A calling for magical transformation. A call to seek relevance and purpose, to explore the multitude of choices available, and to recognize that midlife is a critical phase for personal and societal growth.
I am here to guide midlifers in navigating “what’s next” with hope, kindness, and a love for self, others, the Earth, and a deeper sense of meaning. My mission is to usher in the personal and societal growth we so desperately need in today’s world.
As someone in my 50s, I deeply understand the emotional, physical, and practical challenges of midlife. My personal experiences, combined with my professional expertise, uniquely position me to guide you through this transformative phase.
Throughout my life, I've been on a continuous journey to uncover and embrace my true self. On the way, I adopted various identities that often however strayed from who I genuinely wanted to be. It wasn't until I realized I didn't have to define the second half of my life by someone else's standards of success—achievements, prestige, skills, and power—that I found my true path. Now, I allow life to flow through me, letting my soul lead the dance and have me embrace my authentic self. Working with the mind, with movement, with energy, and spirit brings me tremendous joy and fulfillment.
All the more, I wish for each of us to awaken, mature, engage, and elevate into who we have always truly wanted to be. This transition in each of us, will manifest in peace, joy, awe, and fulfillment in the outer world. However, we must begin by healing our own inner world.
I find midlife exciting because it is the time in life to reexamine our most basic assumptions and find deeper meaning and connection. Let’s understand your place in the universe and how that inner orientation can carry you through a thriving midlife and beyond.
Join the midlifers community to spread wisdom and navigate transitions with ohers. Experience gatherings and planned events, with my fellow facilitators and expert guides, filled with love, appreciation, and guidance.
Embark on your journey directly with me. Together, we will use this pause (moments in healing-centered sessions) to navigate your transition, cultivate your purpose, and own your wisdom to move forward in ‘what’s next’.
Join me and my dear friend and co-facilitator, Andrea, for this year’s 6-day retreat, “From Role to Soul,” in Umbria. Designed for women leaders to recover and discover their soul essence and align with the demands of our time.
Learn more about midlife through my (soon-to-be) Midlife Podcast. Let’s discuss collaboration and speaking opportunities to bring more attention to the stage of midlife.
“Midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: 'I’m not screwing around. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt – has to go.”
Curious to connect and reimagine midlife. Together.
Let’s collaborate and fuel your personal growth and with that societal growth, together.